Conference “School for Parents”

2000 – “School for Parents” Conference

As part of the Family Support program, the Foundation granted a subsidy of 5,000 PLN to the “M” Association based in Krakow to conduct a workshop conference for school and preschool directors from the Krakow Municipality. The conference was held under the theme “Dialogue – a Challenge and Necessity in the Reformed School.”

The objectives of the conference were:

  1. Supporting directors in achieving the statutory goals of the school (including imparting some skills for effective communication with students and establishing effective connections with parents).
  2. Presenting communication skills with children and youth acquired by teachers from courses at the “School for Parents.”
  3. Promoting workshop training in communication with children and youth conducted as part of the “Schools for Parents” project.
  4. Supporting teachers to meet the challenges of the modern world, preparing students for a rapidly changing work environment that requires both collaboration and competition.

Inspired by the international conference “How to Love a Child…,” the conference also aimed to convey the message of supporting attitudes focused on understanding and respecting others from the earliest years, regardless of their age.

2003 – “School for Parents and Educators” Conference

As part of this program, the Foundation provided a grant to the Dominican Family Support Center in Krakow for the implementation of a Cascade Workshop Conference for Teachers titled “The Educational Bond as the Basis of Prevention.”

The main goal of the conference was to provide information about the preventive program “School for Parents and Educators,” which deepens the ability to build communication that fosters a bond between people. According to recent studies, the bond between children, parents, and teachers is the fundamental condition for children to cope with the dangers of the modern world. All children are in some danger zone of addiction to alcohol, drugs, sects, or sexual pathology. However, those who find support in wise, conscious caregivers will have the strength to resist these threats.