Program for Drivers Operating Vehicles under the Influence of Alcohol/Drugs


In 2006, as part of its statutory programs aimed at education in the field of alcoholism and other addictions, the Foundation established a program with the aim of reducing, minimizing, and eliminating from traffic drivers operating motor vehicles after consuming alcohol or being under the influence of narcotics.

The reasons for the Foundation to establish such a program were:

  1. The enormous, one of the largest in Europe, number of fatal road accidents resulting in the death or severe injuries and disabilities of participants, with the main cause being alcohol consumption.
  2. The low effectiveness of preventive actions taken, as well as unsatisfactory results of punishing drivers with periodic driving bans by the General Courts.
  3. Financial losses incurred by insurers due to compensation claims (increase in insurance premiums paid by vehicle owners in general).
  4. The need to allocate enormous amounts from the State budget and citizens’ insurance premiums for the treatment and rehabilitation of individuals harmed in road accidents caused by intoxicated drivers.
  1. The main objective of the program is…

to complement or amend the existing legislation so that the Courts can impose sentences requiring drivers apprehended under the influence of alcohol/drugs to participate in the Program.

Currently, it is imperative to promptly analyze the possibility, in consultation with the respective Ministries, of directing drivers to educational training in the field of Alcoholism and Drug Addiction in a non-legislative manner.

2. The institutions that should participate in the implementation of this program are:

  • Ministry of Health
  • Ministry of Justice
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration

To give the matter the proper significance, the Ministries should sign an appropriate agreement specifying the tasks and schedule for their implementation. An independent institution, such as the Foundation, should be established by the interested parties to coordinate and implement the joint venture.

3. The program envisions the following stages of implementation:

  • Development of a project implementation strategy based on the American “Prime for Live” program.
  • Establishing cooperation with the ministries specified in point 2.
  • Appointment of the Foundation by the interested ministries to implement the program.
  • Invitation of a representative from the Alcohol Prevention Institute in the USA to Poland for the purpose of establishing cooperation and familiarizing themselves with the experiences of our foreign partners in implementing the Program.
  • Agreement on the conditions for obtaining a license.
  • Visit of an instructor from the USA to train the first few individuals selected in advance as Program lecturers.
  • Launching the first driver training points in Warsaw and the Mazowieckie Province.
  • After a year, the instructor from the USA returns to train and authorize 10 Polish Program lecturers as instructors capable of training further lecturers in other regions of Poland.

The introduction of the Program in Poland is planned in a snowball fashion, i.e., the first trained individuals train others after a year of work, and so on. Such a system of program implementation will ensure its stability and eliminate random individuals. Simultaneous implementation of the program across Poland would require significant financial and personnel resources in the absence of appropriate personnel.

4. In 2006 and 2007, the Foundation accomplished the established tasks of the program:

  1. Developed the “Concept of Program Implementation Strategy in Poland.”
  2. Established cooperation with the Ministry of Health.
  3. Established contact with the management of the Prime for Live program in the USA.


As part of the program’s goals, the Foundation established cooperation with a representative of the Police Headquarters and continued efforts with the Minister of Health to establish a new foundation for program implementation. Unfortunately, due to the Ministry of Health withdrawing from cooperation, the Foundation was forced to suspend the program.

The reason for the establishment of such a program by the Foundation is:

  1. A massive, one of the largest in Europe, number of fatal road accidents or severe injuries and disabilities caused primarily by alcohol consumption.
  2. The limited effectiveness of preventive actions and unsatisfactory results in penalizing drivers with periodic driving license suspensions by the Common Courts.
  3. Financial losses incurred by insurers due to compensation payments (resulting in increased insurance premiums for vehicle owners in general).
  4. The necessity of allocating substantial budget funds and insurance contributions from citizens for the treatment and rehabilitation of individuals injured in road accidents caused by intoxicated drivers.

1. The primary objective of the program.

To supplement or amend existing legislation concerning the discussed matter, allowing the Courts to impose sentences obliging drivers caught under the influence of alcohol/drugs to participate in the Program.

At present, it is imperative to analyze the possibility of directing drivers to educational courses on alcoholism and drug addiction prevention in a non-legislative manner in cooperation with relevant Ministries.

2. Institutions that should be involved in the program’s implementation.

Ministries that should cooperate and have an interest in the Program are:

  • Ministry of Health,
  • Ministry of Justice,
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration.

To give the matter appropriate significance, the Ministries should sign a relevant agreement specifying tasks and a timetable for their execution. An independent institution, such as a Foundation, should be established by the interested parties to coordinate and carry out this joint venture.

3. The program outlines the following stages of implementation.

  • Developing a project implementation strategy based on the American program “Prime for Live.”
  • Establishing cooperation with the Ministries mentioned in point 2.
  • Establishment of a Foundation by the interested Ministries to implement the program.
  • Inviting a representative of the Institute for Alcohol Prevention from the USA to Poland to establish cooperation and learn from our foreign partners’ experiences in implementing the Program.
  • Agreement on the terms of obtaining a license.
  • Visit by a US instructor to train the first few selected individuals as Program lecturers.
  • Launching the first driver training centers in Warsaw and the Mazovia province.
  • After a year, a visit by a US instructor to train and authorize ten Polish Program lecturers as instructors who can further train lecturers in other regions of Poland.

The introduction of the Program in Poland is planned to be like a snowball, meaning that the first trained individuals will train others after a year, and so on. This system of implementing the program will ensure its stability and eliminate random people. Simultaneously launching the program across Poland would require significant financial and personnel resources without the right personnel.

5. In the years 2006 and 2007, the Foundation accomplished the following tasks related to the program’s implementation:


  • Developed a “Concept of Strategy for Implementing the Program in Poland.”
  • Established cooperation with the Ministry of Health.
  • Initiated contact with the management of the Prime for Live program in the USA.


As part of the program’s objectives, the Foundation established cooperation with a representative of the Police Headquarters and continued its efforts with the Ministry of Health toward creating a new foundation to implement the program. Unfortunately, due to the Ministry of Health’s withdrawal from cooperation, the Foundation was forced to suspend the program.